Friday, January 11, 2013


So if you read my resolutions, you discovered I have a secret me in my head. Not quite as secret as Walter Mitty (please get that joke!) but a hat wearing, organic eating, skinnier, more disciplined yet adventurous kind of me...but still me. One of my resolutions is to do one thing every month that gets me closer to that me. Some of them are really random...okay, most of them are random but that's just me...the one in my head and the real one.

1) Buy hat(s)
I love hats and scarves. I loved hats and scarves before everyone was wearing scarves. Every time I go into a store, I look at the hats. I just never buy them. One is a money thing. The other is wondering if I will really wear them. And a secret fear I look like a dork.
I decided hats would be my January task. Considering January is practically 1/2 way over and I'm working two shows, I felt I needed to start with an easy one. And Charming Charlies obliged by having hats on sale. I bought two hats for less than $20. And I'm wearing the first one Sunday.

2) Cook something new once a month.
I love to cook. I love to eat. I'm basically a foodie wannabe. Embree and I actually used to do this but fell out of the habit...busy schedules, Trey's lack of eating anything green, and laziness. So, we're reinstating the habit. We'll also be visiting local grocer's and farmer's markets to get the ingredients. This will also help with the healthier lifestyle, lose weight thing since it is one more night we aren't eating "pizza, pizza" from Little Ceasar's.

3) Go to Serenbe.
How do I live so close and yet I've never been...? I don't know. I'll be fixing that. At least once, hopefully more. It took six years of living this close to Atlanta before we made it to the Shakespeare Tavern and now we're there at least once a month so...

4) Money God's way.
Insert excuses and justifications here___________. Fact is that tithing is a hit or miss with me. I get into the habit and do well...and then fall out of the habit. And savings-forget it. For a while after the Dave Ramsey class...but the rest of the time. Nope. This is where discipline and intentionality come in, I have to develop those habits to keep up the discipline of tithing. And even more importantly, remember that God can be trusted.

5) Get back to gardening.
I love to garden. I get why paradise was a garden and man's job to tend it. I also love the experience of cooking foods I picked from my own yard using herbs and spices that I have tended. It excites the creativity in me for some reason. Not to mention that it is a huge stress relief. I haven't had a garden in the last couple of years and I miss it-a lot.

6) Wear a costume to the Renaissance Festival.
If you have no clue what I'm talking about, click above. We flipping love Ren Fest. And every year we talk about "next year when we have costumes" I'm really hoping this year is the year. Which means I need to learn to sew...or find someone who knows how to sew...I know which plan I like best. (Have I ever mentioned the only time my Grandma gave up on me was teaching me how to sew?)

7) Attend Not For Sale's Backyard Academy...or the NFS Academy in San Francisco.
NFS's Backyard Academy came to GA last year and I didn't get to go. Looking on their website I haven't seen any dates so I'm not sure they are coming back to GA in 2013. I'm not sure how feasible going to San Francisco for a week would be, but I'd be willing to try. I want to learn more about human trafficking, not just sex trafficking. I got tunnel vision for a while but really want to focus more on learning about the issue as a whole. One of my resolutions was to purchase more responsibly and the kids and I had a great talk about it tonight at dinner (choosing to shop Target instead of Wal-Mart)

8) Decorate the house.
We got the major part of the walls done but need to finish the trim. We've got a lot of ideas and I'd like to do at least one of them a month. It's going to look great and be really comfortable for guests coming over. I may even attempt a project or two from Pinterest. Anyone up for a trip to Ikea?

9) Speaking of guests...
I never invite people over anymore. Another habit that needs to be night anyone?

10) Listen to a new album from an artist I know nothing about at least once a month.
Accomplishes nothing more than expanding my horizons. Feel free to make suggestions!

11) Explore the thrift stores and vintage shops in the area.
I know Jen, Caren, and Allison can tell me the best ones! Plan to spend at least one Saturday a month perusing and finding treasures (at a great price of course!)

12) Take a class.
Wine Tasting. Cooking. Pottery (ummm....Bree suggested and offered to join me so...). Something that teaches me something new and gives a sense of adventure.

If you read this all the way to the end, congrats! I realize some of this borders on ridiculous...maybe it's because I'm turning 40, maybe it's because 2012 was so rough and I want 2013 to be different, maybe it's because my kids are growing up and I'm realizing I really could end up the crazy cat lady...or worse yet the crazy workaholic who forgot she owns a cat...maybe it's just because I want to grab all the joy and adventure in life I can.

It might just be because I like lists. And that's not weird at all...

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