Tuesday, September 1, 2015

"For The Love" (a review)

In a casual conversation, a coworker once told me "you should check out Brandon and Jen Hatmaker. I think you'd like them." A quick Google search took me to Jen's blog and the very first thing I ever read by her, a letter to Trayvon Martin's mother. Shortly after, I read Interrupted, The Barefoot Church, and Seven. Each one described my journey, impacted my spirit and convicted my heart.

It was love. Like millions of other readers, I am pretty sure Jen and I are destined to be BFFs...she just doesn't know it yet. So, you have this as a disclaimer. I am not an altogether unbiased reader of Jen Hatmaker's newest book, For The Love. I picked it up expecting to love it and I did.

Recently someone told me they were not fans of Jen Hatmaker because they didn't do sarcastic well...to which I replied sarcasm is my first language. That might be one of the reasons I like her, her wit and humor. But another reason I like her is she tells the truth. In love.

In For The Love (Fighting For Grace In a World of Impossible Standards), Jen tackles balance (thank goodness the book is finally out so when I yell "off the beam!" there will be someone in the midst of the funny looks who totally gets it), the gospel (my favorite quote "If it isn't true for the single, Haitian mom...it isn't true"), family, marriage, the church, raising kids and fashion (is now a good time to confess how long it took me to get what "crotchless yoga pants" were?) with grace and wit. Her truths sting sometimes but at the same time her words say "you are not alone" and "we got this". She is comfortable in her imperfections and therefore comfortable sharing her imperfections and she gives you the right to be as well.

The fact she throws in laughs and recipes just sweetens the deal.

Grab this book. But don't read it alone. Grab a couple of girlfriends and read it together. The chapters are more like essays and read more like a conversation than tale and processing it seems to be done in pairs or groups. That isn't to say you can't read it alone...just that you'd enjoy the experience better with friends.

So, to help with this, I have three copies of "For The Love" to give away! In the comments below, tell me about you and two of your friends...how you met, what you like to do together, what you like best about them, why you want to read FTL with them...anything. We'll pick a random winner in one week so check back because I'll need your email to get your address for shipping!


  1. Hey friend! Love the post. If I won, I'd give my two copies to two co-workers. I'd give one to my boss as a parting gift as she moves into motherhood full time, and the other one I'd give to one of my team members who I think would enjoy the truth in the book. I love these ladies and enjoy serving refugees with them :)

  2. I love this! My family and I just moved to a new city and state where we will be planting a church. The friends we now live with we met online several years ago and we all have a heart for this city. My hope is to use for the lab as a way to expand our friendship and also to reach into the community. I would love to be able to share this book with friends! Thank you for the opportunity and good luck to you all!

  3. Oh my gosh! I would give one of these to my dear friend, Amy, who is just the best. We met at church years ago and through the most random adventures have become great friends. She prompted my recent visit to Uganda that has my heart all up in arms about whether or not that's where I should be serving full-time. It's been amazing to walk through what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus with this sweet friend of mine in our weekly small group, church, and girls' nights!
    The other I would undeniably give to my friend, Ashley. This girl is a go-getter. We met while working at a Retreat center in north GA and have both since moved on to different jobs. She took a huge leap of faith by taking a job God literally lined up for her in a completely different city for half the pay. It has been nothing short of abundant blessings to watch God work out all the little details for her. We love to get coffee, watch old movies, and peruse book stores (especially old books - we love the treasures they hold!). She is one of those people who digs deep and asks the hard questions. She doesn't settle for surface answers, especially in cases of real life changes or experiences. I am so thankful for both of these ladies!

    1. Beth, congrats! You have won three copies of Jen Hatmaker's newest book For The Love! Please email your shipping address to battles.cindy@gmail.com

