Wednesday, October 31, 2012


For Halloween, I got to take Embree, Trey and their cousins Cameron and Brianna to McDonough for the Thriller Parade. We met Drew (pictured with the "We eat the 99%) during Never Ending Story. The kids became friends with him, I got to know his Mom and we became friends and it was through them we found out about it. Drew came up with the "Occupy Brains" theme. Tonya did a fantastic job on the zombie make up. And the kids had a blast walking in the parade and then performing "Thriller" in the square.

The boys made for great photo apps after the performance. Bree continued to dance her zombified tale off until we had to go.

She definitely got into the role.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall Festival

There are times when my job duties are a bit...varied.
Today they included a sack race (which I totally would've won but my glasses bounced off my face and I faltered while trying to decide whether I should stall long enough to get, but those few seconds put me in second...sigh) and a three legged race (I didn't fall until the end!)

No pictures and I'm sorry but I'm sure you understand.

The girls planned and executed a fantastic festival complete with games and more junk food than anyone should ever eat! And s'mores at the end!

Hope everyone has fun on Halloween! I'll be dressing up as Tweedle Dum at church! (Hopefully I'll have pictures of that!)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fire Pits and Carpet Cleaners

Trey dug a fire pit in our new back yard!

Which naturally meant we needed to roast marshmallows! And, the more the merrier, so we invited the neighbors!

A most satisfying time (and sugar rush!) was had by all!

And a HUGE thanks to Woodstock First Baptist Church's College Group for spending Saturday at the Girls Home and ELP! They got a number of cleaning projects done including Building 3 and part of the fence line at the ELP as well as a deep clean at the girls home. Watching them figure out how to operate the carpet cleaner provided amusement for all (lol). Seriously, this is the group that helped out at  the ELP last year and a harder working group of college students is hard to find!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Everything I Was Made For

Kevin Rowe.
Great guy, great artist.
And proceeds from his single "Everything I was Made For" benefit Wellspring Living!

PS He'll be performing at the gala AND he'll be at the Alamo (in Newnan) in December!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Celebrity Crushes

To those who actually read this...
At the end, you will wonder "why in the world did she write this?"
And the answer is was one of those random posts, floating around in my head.

So...Catalyst is this week. I'm going to be there. Jen Hatmaker is going to be there.
I've been on Twitter and Facebook trying to gently suggest to Jen Hatmaker that she stop by the Wellspring Living booth....specifically on Thursday. Because that's my day to work the booth.

And by "gently suggest", I might mean begging.

It is slightly possible that she has gotten on my Twitter page long enough to right click and save my profile picture, print it out, and hand it to Catalyst security with the instructions "keep this psycho away from me".

Some of you are wondering who Jen Hatmaker is...There was a time I didn't know either. Till a friend and coworker suggested I follow her on Twitter and check out her blog. You should google it. Read her blog, read her books.

I'm a fan.

It's odd when I think about it. I don't get celebrity crushes on actor celebrities or musician celebrities (okay, well not since I was 17 anyway...). I get crushes on celebrities like William Wilberforce, Donald Miller...and Jen Hatmaker. People who have significantly changed how I look at life, walk my Christian walk and interact with my children. People who are willing to share, be transparent...

It's almost like they are allowing us to get to know them and so therefore they should know us. I mean, after all...we have so much in common.

Take Jen and I...
She loves Jesus. I love Jesus.
She loves coffee. I love coffee.
She creatively threatens her children. I creatively threaten my children.

Obviously we are meant to be friends! We have so much in common!
She just needs to know that I exist and she would instantly recognize the connection! Right?
